대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주유흥알바 청주룸보도 둔산동밤알바

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주유흥알바 청주룸보도 둔산동밤알바
「… … The signature on this royal decree is undoubtedly His M
ajesty’s handwriting. “Is there any clear evidence that it was a
fabrication by the Prime Minister’s faction?”Don’t be fussy」Bet
tere cut off the officer’s suspicions without even moving an ey
ebrow.“What the Prime Minister faction is trying to do. This is u
ndoubtedly an act of treason that will destroy the kingdom.???S
ummon… … Handing over the country to barbarians without resis
tance… … Do you think His Majesty would allow such an act?”
As he spoke, Betr stood up from his seat and looked into the ey
es of each of the officers.The nervousness that appeared in your
eyes when you first came to this office? The feeling of determin
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주유흥알바 청주룸보도 둔산동밤알바
ation had gradually faded, and several officers were showing a l
ook of despair and weakness of will.When Betre sits back down
in his chair, he speaks in a gentle tone.“There is no need to wor
ry. The cause of this fight lies with us. You can only think about
your own mission. In other words, His Majesty will never do wh
at you think.”「… … understood. However, if there is any progres
s regarding the rat matter that Lord Betre mentioned earlier, I w
ould like to receive news from our execution unit as well. “Our
is above.”The officers left the room with somewhat uncertain e
xpressions, but without even refuting anything from Betr’s wor
ds.After confirming that the door was completely closed, Betr m
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주유흥알바 청주룸보도 둔산동밤알바
ade an expression of displeasure for the first time.He hits his fi
st on the table and vents his anger.“Traitors… ! “To taunt His
Although he was suppressing his emotions in front of the offi
cers, in reality, Betr was also agitated.Placing his clenched fist on
the table, he closes his eyes for a moment and calms his mood.
Then he looked behind him and spoke again to the magician w
ho had just glanced at him.