대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전당일알바 관저동룸알바 관평동룸알바

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전당일알바 관저동룸알바 관평동룸알바
The 3rd Mechanized Corps begins the crossing.In line with this, artillery
fire support became more intense, ad in line with the expansion of the a
irborne troops’ bridgehead, the bombardment was advanced to check th
e Moravian side’s counterattack.The Moravian army, which had rushed th
armored corps waiting in the rear to the Red Army base by Isselstedt’s
order, was in a position to completely take this fierce bombardment.
“shit! Is there no limit to the number of bullets in their weapons!?”
“run! If you stop, you’ll die!”As the wall of flames surged ahead, the of
ficers of the armored corps, awakening their minds from fear, sent t
he Chimera running.It was no longer possible for them to think that
the Red Army and the aliens were barbarians who did not know m
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전당일알바 관저동룸알바 관평동룸알바
agical civilization.More than half a day has already passed since th
e battle began on both sides of the Klana River.however. The Red Ar
my’s bombardment, which began at dawn, shows no sign of abating
even now that the sunlight is already waning and sinking.Not only th
at, but it is gaining even more momentum.In the eyes of the magic
ians of the Moravian magic army, the aliens were already starting to
look not like humans, but even like something demonic.“Run! If you
mix with the enemy soldiers, the flames won’t chase you!”If you ma
nage to reach the enemy camp, you will be liberated from this purg
atory.The commanders said that, scolded their subordinates, and ma
de their own vehicles run at full speed.These scenes could be seen e
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전당일알바 관저동룸알바 관평동룸알바
verywhere from the starting point of the Moravian offensive to the
base of the Soviet Red Army.And the Red Army, which had complete
air superiority, also learned of the Moravian side’s movements and a
ccelerated the crossing even further.As the Moravian military comm
and thought, the airborne corps, which was nothing more than ligh
t infantry, was in a bad position even if it fought head-on with th
e Moravian Chimera unit.Moreover, the Airborne Forces are a valua
ble force that can be considered an elite unit even in the Red Army,
which has a vast number of troops, and this could not be wasted pointlessly.