대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 유성룸알바 월평동룸알바 월평동보도사무실

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 유성룸알바 월평동룸알바 월평동보도사무실
Treichschmedt spoke vaguely, without any expression.At th
ose high-handed words, the mage’s expression twisted int
o anger.「W-what… … I am not your subordinate! “There is
no reason to receive orders!”A mage who foams at the m
outh and swears.When he averted his gaze because he co
uldn’t bear to see that, Treichschmet winked at the adjutan
t, who had an expression of no end to his worries.”taoist. “
Go there.”The adjutant turned his head after receiving a gl
ance from his superior and scolded the mage in a gentle
tone.“Shut up! “A low-ranking officer like you, a babbler—”
He couldn’t finish his sentence.At that time, the magician re
membered the illusion that the adjutant’s right arm had em
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 유성룸알바 월평동룸알바 월평동보도사무실
itted a flash of light.In an instant, a sharp sword struck the
mage’s neck.“I’ll say it one more time. Stay calm.”The adjuta
nt persuaded the mage one more time in a tone that did n
ot convey any trace of emotion.At the sight of those inorgani
c eyes and the blue blade pointed at the nape of the neck,
the mage stumbles back, letting out a small scream from hi
s mouth.“Schmidt. “You will see the Taoist monk off.””All rigt
!”Give brief orders to your adjutant.It means sending them as
escorts, but in reality, it is more like a single-handed war to p
revent the enemy from escaping. not enough to trust the mag
“???let’s go”The regiment commander turns around, and the sold
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 유성룸알바 월평동룸알바 월평동보도사무실
iers of the rising army follow him.Treichschmet, with his men, st
eps into the innermost part of the palace — the Golden Kite’
s cabin.■ ■ ■Soviet 9th Airborne Brigade and 3rd Mora
vian Panzer Corps.Both of them completed their entry into the pa
lace at almost the same time, racing forward and charging inwar
d into the inner palace.