대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 수성구룸싸롱 수성구풀싸롱 수성구유흥주점

대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 수성구룸싸롱 수성구풀싸롱 수성구유흥주점
「… … It is said that the Kingdom of Moravia accepted the surre
nder. The 2nd and 5th fleets and the ground forces will take ov
er the post-mortem processing, and we will return to the main
land with the 4th fleet… … It’s okay to be happy. “With this, I c
an enjoy the White Grape Festival with my family.”A gentle sm
ile appeared on the face of the admiral, who had not moved
at all until then.It has no back at all. It’s purely about congratu
lating your subordinates.This time, the adjutant’s expression c
hanged to surprise and he choked.He feels ashamed of his do
ubts and feels emotionally excited by his superior’s warm cons
ideration.Sorry, sir. Please forgive my impertinent subordinate w
ho, without considering Your Excellency’s hard life, has extremel
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 수성구룸싸롱 수성구풀싸롱 수성구유흥주점
y rude thoughts such as late marriage.”ah… … thank you”The a
djutant saluted as he inadvertently withdrew from tears.Then, h
e turned around so he could notify other staff departments of t
he order.While sending the adjutant out as if holding back tears
, the female admiral was looking at the adjutant’s back with he
r head tilted, wondering if she had been looking forward to th
e festival that much.Once the door was closed and peace retur
ned to the room, Olivia stood up and walked over to the map
of the Gragor region hanging on the wall.”however. It’s hard
to believe that Moravia could fall so easily… … “Even if we ma
ke a covenant, it doesn’t mean you can feel safe.”Upper part of
the map. The admiral watches the border between the Gragor r
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 수성구룸싸롱 수성구풀싸롱 수성구유흥주점
egion and the southern province of the Kingdom of Moravia.
To date, the Neustrian army has suppressed the majority of th
e Gragor province and is trying to get a glimpse of the Morav
ian mainland.However, considering that the Southern Army of
Moravia is being weakened by withdrawing its forces from the
large and small fronts, it cannot be said that the situation is
so good.In addition to the surprise effect at the beginning of
the war, Neustria initially overwhelmed the southern Moravian
altar, and this week Solnok also came down to Neustria’s mili
tary gate in a form that looked as if half of it had been aband
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 수성구룸싸롱 수성구풀싸롱 수성구유흥주점
oned by the enemy.However, when the main mobile group of
the southern echelon, which canceled its movement to the lar
ge and small fronts, entered the battle, the situation of the war
was shaken and reversed, and the front lines of the two armie
s faced each other on the plain on the northern edge of Gragor.
“Disruption of the rear communication line by magical creature
troops. Although it is operated exactly as in the textbook, it is
so clearly… … After all, I can’t downplay it.”