대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 대전노래방 대전노래클럽

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 대전노래방 대전노래클럽
「I will do my best」A few people put on calm faces in response to the
enemy’s quiet response, but Stalin did not care at all.The qualities tha
t Stalin requires of his officers are competence as a professional soldie
r and political reliability.As far as Stalin knows, the general in front of
him is balancing these two things at the highest level, and since he k
nows that, he does not expect any kind of speeches or the like.Georgiy
Zhukov is said to be a new artist, but his military experience is somewh
at biased toward the military command aspect. Considering his extensi
ve experience and insight in both military administration and military co
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 대전노래방 대전노래클럽
mmand, and organizational management skills, it is also true that he is o
ne of the best. It won’t take you too long.“30 minutes until the operation
begins. Aren’t you really looking forward to it, huh? The ambassador als
o seems to be concerned. What do you think, Morotsibiri?”Stalin asks,
a somewhat mocking smile plastered on his lips.Molotov smiled as if h
e were a diplomat, and nodded as if he were agreeing with Stalin.
“It’s just as Koba (※one of Stalin’s nicknames. A thief who appears in G
eorgian folktales – translator) says. Since the date and time of the start
of the operation were announced, I have been concerned about many t
hings. When it comes to exchanges with the home country, they proba
bly use magical means. “Eavesdropping from here? I can’t interpret it.”
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 대전노래방 대전노래클럽
“Countermeasures against magic-based espionage and counterintellige
nce are also being formulated by the authorities. Also, according to the
intelligence activities and information collection activities conducted by t
he 3rd Division of our General Security Bureau, the Empire’s preparations f
or a vacuum against Moravia have not yet been completed. “They seem to
be anxious that our mobilization speed is faster than expected, and are lo
oking to see if the start of the war can be delayed.”As if meddling from th
e side, Beria reports the results of his NKVD intelligence.